Ghibli Dragon Tattoo
Credit: Oozy Tattoo
Mario Mushroom Tattoo
Credit: Volken Tattoo
Why Did Ozu Cut to a Vase
Brutalist Illustration
Credit: Manuel Cetina
Goku Eating Tattoo
Credit: Yaza Tattoo
Untitled Illustration
Credit: Evan M. Cohen
A Kitchen Idyll
Credit: Classic Vandal
Heraldic Map of Europe
Credit: u/von_cilli
Rick Rubin on The Creative Act
In this episode of the Daily Stoic Podcast, Ryan speaks with Rick Rubin about his new book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, the importance of allowing creativity to happen rather than willing it into existence, working with the unique facets of the artist’s ego, the importance of changing up the way that you do things, the phases of the creative process, and more.
Turtles sculpture
Credit: Yurii Myketka
Your Future Whispers
Credit: Wolanski
So This is How Conductors ACTUALLY Work?!
Credit: Nahre Sol
Space Orca Tattoo
Credit: bongkee_
Aguja Poincenot
Credit: Northern Drawing
The Incetardian Gemini
Credit: Lewes Herriot
Diablo III: 12 Years of Development Hell
Buenos Aires After the World Cup Final
Credit: Benbauchau
The Celestial Fix Defected
Credit: Lewes Herriot
Why Companies Are ‘Debranding’
In recent years, some of the world’s biggest companies have discarded depth and detail to “debrand”. But what prompted this landslide of logo debranding? Bloomberg Opinion’s Ben Schott breaks down this trending direction of brand identity.