Original Star Wars poster
By Greg & Tim Hildebrandt
This Lego Artist Builds Masterpieces Using All Black Bricks
Three Stellas
Mad Men: One Perfect Scene
The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods
Ghibli Dragon Tattoo
Mario Mushroom Tattoo
Why Did Ozu Cut to a Vase
Brutalist Illustration
By Manuel Cetina
Goku Eating Tattoo
By Yaza tattoo
Untitled Illustration
A Kitchen Idyll
Heraldic Map of Europe
Rick Rubin on The Creative Act, Overcoming Ego, and Enjoying the Process
In this episode of the Daily Stoic Podcast, Ryan speaks with Rick Rubin about his new book The Creative Act: A Way of Being, the importance of allowing creativity to happen rather than willing it into existence, working with the unique facets of the artist’s ego, the importance of changing up the way that you do things, the phases of the creative process, and more.